PTMC LLC Management Solutions for Swim & Tennis Clubs
Important Information about certification requirements for working at a pool in Montgomery County, Maryland.
Interested in learning more?
To become a lifeguard, you must meet the following minimum requirements to enroll in a certification class:
* Be at least 15 years old.
* Swim 300 yards continuously, using freestyle and breaststroke.
* Surface dive and retrieve a 10lb brick from at least 8ft deep.
* Tread water for 2 minutes without using your arms or hands.
Meeting these requirements will gain you entrance to The Professional Lifeguard Course, which covers 3 areas of training:
* Lifeguarding
* First Aid
When you pass the course you will be certified in Lifeguarding and First Aid for 2 years and Professional CPR for 1 year. All 3 phases must be completed in consecutive days with passing scores to recieve your certification.
For Operator and Managerial Candidates:
To become a licensed pool operator in Montgomery County,
you must meet the following minimum requirements:
* minimum age of 17
* minimum of 520 hours of lifeguarding experience (w/ letter of proof)
* completion of Swimming Pool Operators Course
* take County Pool Operators Exam and purchase Photo ID License
The course is required prior to taking the County test for the Pool Operator's License.
Here are some pertinent links to help you get certified: